Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Questions 1

So to start off here are a hand full of questions that have been bugging me. I'll talk about them more later.
  1. Doctor Who VS Black Butler........Do Demons run when a good man gos to war?
  2. Doctor Who VS Slenderman........In a fight who would win Slendy or the Weeping Angels?
  3. Avengers VS Slenderman.............What would happen if they met?
  4. Slenderman VS Amnesia..............Slendy meets Alexander of Brandenburg......
  5. Avengers VS Portal......................Tony with a portal gun .... GLaDOS and JARVIS fighting.
  6. Doctor Who VS Firefly................What if the were the same world?
  7. Doctor Who  VS Homestuck......
  8. Avengers VS Doctor Who..........Avengers fight the Weeping Angels or the Daleks. 
  9. Hunger Games VS Portal............what if they are the same world?
There are more trust me......I'll spend the next post or two exploring these questions more. In the fuehrer I will only ask one or two questions per post and talk about them in the same post.

On another  not crack paring OTP Vexen/GLaDOS.